Hand and Wrist Carpal Tunnel

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel

Avoiding repetitive and exhaustive activities related to hand movement, is the first instruction for someone suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient must abstain from such activities in order to give relief to their hand and free the median nerve of pressure.

Stretching exercises also helps in treating the syndrome as exercising helps in maintaining blood flow normal in the nerves.

Medicines like corticosteroid and prescription based NSAID’s can help in relieving the syndrome. If the condition gets worse, there is the option of surgery.

You should consult your doctor immediately if you feel you may be suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

      Of course, consulting a physician should always be the first step to take when dealing with any kind of pain in the body.  They need to find out if the CTS is caused by any underlying physical condition that needs to be addressed right away.

      Some people with mild symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are able to relieve themselves of the pain by simply taking frequent breaks to rest their hands and arms.  Some people apply cold packs to reduce occasional swelling of the wrists.  If these quick fixes do not work, you might need to consider wrist splinting, medications and/or surgery.

          o Wrist splint.  This holds your wrist still while you sleep.  This relieves the night time symptoms of tingling and numbness.  This is most effective if you’ve only experienced mild symptoms of CTS for less than a year.
          o Medications.  Doctors usually prescribe either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids.  One to relieve the swelling, the other to relieve the pain.
          o Surgery.  This is advised only when the nerve impairment persists after using non-surgical methods of treatment.

Some simple remedies for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
-You can apply ice pack for relieve
-Usage of acupuncture or osteopathy
-Get your arms, wrists massaged